Effect of creative art activities to enhance the self-confidence of kindergarten 1

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Wanitcha Sittipon
Rattaporn Uthumporn


The purpose of this research was to study and compare the level of self-confidence of kindergarten students before and after creative arts activities. The sample used in study included 17 kindergarten students between the ages of 3-4 years studying in kindergarten 1/3, Semester 2, Academic Year 2021 Beaconhouse Yamsaard Rangsit School in Pathum Thani Province. The sample was obtained by purposive sampling 1 classroom from 9 classrooms. The research instruments consisted of a creative art activity plan and the self-confidence assessment form for kindergarten students. The experiment duration was 4 weeks, with activities conducted 12 times and each lasting 40 minutes. Data was analysed using mean, standard diversion, and dependent sample t-test.

The results indicate that 1) the level of self-confidence of kindergarten students before organising creative arts activities, both overall and in all individual areas, were at a moderate level. After the creative arts activities, both overall and in all individual areas, the level of self-confidence was at a good level. 2) after the creative arts activities, the self-confidence of kindergarten students was higher than before, with a statistically significant at .01.


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How to Cite
Sittipon, W., & Uthumporn, R. (2023). Effect of creative art activities to enhance the self-confidence of kindergarten 1. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 2(1), 21–30. retrieved from https://li02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHET/article/view/433
Academic articles
Author Biographies

Wanitcha Sittipon, Early Childhood Education Program, Faculty of Home Economics Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi.



Rattaporn Uthumporn, Early childhood education program, Faculty of home economics technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi.




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