The Development of Fashionable Bags from Betel Nut Cladding and Artificial Leather

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Sermsri Songnerm


The ‘The Development of Fashionable Bags from Betel Nut Cladding and Artificial Leather’ research focuses on the study and design of fashion bags made from betel nut cladding. The experimental-development research was installed as a core method for the research. The surveys were conducted to analyze the most sorted design according to respondents’ opinion which initiated 3 designs for the betel nut cladding bags. Sequentially, the prototype was produced after finalizing into 1 design and the satisfaction survey on the design and product development of the bag were then conducted. The results indicated that respondents are satisfied with style 1 prototype inspired by military waist bag which demonstrate vigorous and adventurous characteristics of military personnel patrolling or deploying in dangerous missions. The concept is that the design represents a modern touch, giving an active and energetic impression to wearers. The overall design received positive feedback from respondents at high level (3.83 ± 0.88) which could be explicated that the total satisfaction for the product is at high level (3.85 ± 0.90). The satisfaction of color and the practicality are also high at (3.86 ± 0.86) and (3.83 ± 0.88) respectively. Lastly, the durability of the designed bags from betel but cladding and artificial leather is mutually high (3.83 ±0.91).

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How to Cite
Songnerm, S. (2023). The Development of Fashionable Bags from Betel Nut Cladding and Artificial Leather. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 2(1), 48–57. retrieved from
Academic articles


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