The Development of Family’s wear Form Hand-Woven Cotton Fabric Chan Sean District Nakhon Sawan Province The Development of Family’s wear Form Hand-Woven Cotton Fabric Chan Sean District Nakhon Sawan Province

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Uraiwan Khumsingha


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the history of hand-woven cotton of Ban Chan Sen Weaving Group. 2) Development of design and sewing of clothing for families from hand-woven cotton Ban Chan Sen, Nakhon Sawan Province. and 4 sets of family clothing prototypes, comprising clothing for father, mother, daughter, and son; 3) to study the satisfaction of consumers towards the design and sewing of family clothing. from hand-woven cotton from Ban Chan Sen Weaving Group Nakhon Sawan Province. The research method is Design and development of hand-woven cotton family clothing at Ban Chan Sen, Nakhon Sawan Province by collecting basic information Behavior in using Thai fabrics, purchasing preferences, satisfaction in family clothing design patterns Satisfaction with patterns and colors used The results were analyzed and the results were used to design and sew family clothing as prototypes.

The results showed that Most of the respondents were female. They are in the age range of 20 - 29 years, followed by the age range of 39 - 49 years, and have a master's degree and a bachelor's degree, respectively. Most of them work in government service. followed by a career as a company employee Earn about 15,000 - 20,000 per month and most of the sample used to buy clothes in the form of family clothes. Know and used to use local fabrics. and hand-woven cotton, Ban Chan Sen, Nakhon Sawan Province Most agreed to bring hand-woven cotton to Ban Chan Sen, Nakhon Sawan Province. came to design and develop a prototype family clothing pattern this time, and the design pattern that received the highest score was The third collection is the fabric pattern that has been selected as a pattern. and colors in dull, dark tones, and transfer of technology in developing clothing patterns for families from hand-woven cotton at Ban Chan Sen, Nakhon Sawan Province. The members of the Elderly Social Welfare Development Center, Bueng Yitho Subdistrict, Thanyaburi District, Pathum Thani Province Gained knowledge in clothing development from hand-woven cotton at Ban Chan Sen, Nakhon Sawan  Province. very well

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How to Cite
Khumsingha, U. (2023). The Development of Family’s wear Form Hand-Woven Cotton Fabric Chan Sean District Nakhon Sawan Province: The Development of Family’s wear Form Hand-Woven Cotton Fabric Chan Sean District Nakhon Sawan Province. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 2(1), 65–75. retrieved from
Academic articles


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