The Effect of Using Palm Shell Innovation to Reduce Foot Numbness in Diabetic Patients, Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon Province

ผลของการใช้นวัตกรรมกะลาปาล์มลดอาการชาเท้าในผู้ป่วยเบาหวาน โรงพยาบาลท่าแซะ จังหวัดชุมพร


  • Suchada Khaosri Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon
  • Aumpol Bunpean Department of Thai Traditional Medicine, Kanchanabhishek Institute of Medical and Public Health Technology, Faculty of Public Health and Allied Health Sciences, Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi
  • Patama Chantarapon Department of Thai Traditional Medicine, Kanchanabhishek Institute of Medical and Public Health Technology, Faculty of Public Health and Allied Health Sciences, Praboromarajchanok Institute, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi


Palm shell innovation, Foot numbness, Diabetic patient


          This research and development aimed to compared foot numbness before and after applying palm shell innovation to reduce foot numbness in diabetic patients, Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon province and studied the satisfaction of using palm shell innovation to reduce foot numbness in diabetic patients. The sample were 30 diabetic patients who requested Thai traditional medicine services at Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon province with foot numbness by purposive sampling. The tools were the palm shell innovation to reduced foot numbness and monofilament and the satisfaction assessment form. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation), and paired t-test. The results showed that the mean right foot numbness before the innovation was 0.267, after the innovation was 0.033. When the mean foot numbness was compared, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference at the .001 level. The mean left foot numbness before the innovation was 0.333, after the innovation was 0.067. When the mean foot numbness was compared, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference at the .001 level and patients who use satisfaction palm shell innovation to reduced foot numbness in diabetic patients had highest overall satisfaction level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.80, S.D. = 0.24).


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How to Cite

Khaosri S, Bunpean A, Chantarapon P. The Effect of Using Palm Shell Innovation to Reduce Foot Numbness in Diabetic Patients, Tha Sae Hospital, Chumphon Province: ผลของการใช้นวัตกรรมกะลาปาล์มลดอาการชาเท้าในผู้ป่วยเบาหวาน โรงพยาบาลท่าแซะ จังหวัดชุมพร. AdvSciJ [internet]. 2022 Dec. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];22(1):93-105. available from:



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