The Effectiveness of Herbal Knee Braces to Relieve Knee Pain for the Elderly in Samrong Subdistrict, Phra Pradaeng District, Samut Prakan Province

ประสิทธิผลของผ้ารัดเข่าสมุนไพรเพื่อช่วยบรรเทาอาการปวดข้อเข่าในผู้สูงอายุในพื้นที่ตำบลสำโรง อำเภอพระประแดง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ


  • Kanokwan Chotichai Department of Public Health, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bansomdejchappraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok
  • Chuleekorn Saetiao Department of Public Health, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bansomdejchappraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok
  • Tamaporn Chaiwcharn Department of Public Health Faculty of Science and Technology Bansomdejchappraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok
  • Nathamon Seubsui Department of Public Health, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bansomdejchappraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok


herbal knee brace, knee pain, elderly


             This research is a quasi-experimental research measuring results before diagnosis and after diagnosis in 2 diagnostic groups to measure pain before and after using the innovative herbal knee brace and a research study on the use after the innovative herbal knee brace, sample samples. Elderly people are in a comparison group of 30 people and an experimental group of 30. Essential features, various information in the social data analysis section... pain level, evaluation form on innovative herbal knee braces. Statistical Data Collection Various data can be examined to check standards and tests with within-group t-statistics and between-group t-statistics.                         

           The results of the study found that after participating in the herbal knee brace component to treat knee joint pain, in the post-participation experiment, it was found that the level of knee joint pain was lower than before using the herbal knee brace and decreased more than the group. Statistical comparisons were made at the 0.05 level, and the experimental group desired to use the innovative herbal knee brace in large quantities.

           This study is available to various agencies. Many places are promoting and restoring good health for the quality of life of the elderly.


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How to Cite

Chotichai K, Saetiao C, Chaiwcharn T, Seubsui N. The Effectiveness of Herbal Knee Braces to Relieve Knee Pain for the Elderly in Samrong Subdistrict, Phra Pradaeng District, Samut Prakan Province: ประสิทธิผลของผ้ารัดเข่าสมุนไพรเพื่อช่วยบรรเทาอาการปวดข้อเข่าในผู้สูงอายุในพื้นที่ตำบลสำโรง อำเภอพระประแดง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ. AdvSciJ [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 2 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];24(1):143-59. Available from:



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