Development of Application for Cultural Tourism Promotion in Thonburi area with Augmented Reality Technology



  • Direk Akkahad Digital Technology for Education Program, Faculty of Education, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok


Application, Tourism, Augmented Reality Technology


          The objectives of this research were to 1) develop an application to promote cultural tourism in the Thonburi area with augmented reality technology and 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the application to promote cultural tourism in the Thonburi area with augmented reality technology. The sample group used in this research is Tourists who come to visit the area on the Thonburi area. There were 76 Thai tourists and 38 foreign tourists, totaling 114 people. The research tools consisted of 1) an application to promote tourism 2) an evaluation form for application efficiency. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows 1) the results of developing an application to promote cultural tourism in the Thonburi area; The application contains information that is a video introduction of 19 tourist attractions, 3D models and AR codes prepared in the form of a travel guide. When you open the app and look at an AR code image, a 3D model will appear superimposed on the image. Can be rotated and enlarged 2) The performance evaluation of the application found that users were satisfied with the overall performance of the application is at a high level  (gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x}= 3.88, S.D. = 0.92). When considering each aspect, it was found that users were satisfied at a high level in all aspects. In descending order as follows: benefits of the application to use (gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x}= 4.02, S.D. = 0.95), design and formatting (gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x}= 3.87, S.D. = 0.90), and Content (gif.latex?\fn_jvn&space;\bar{x}= 3.74, S.D. = 0.88)


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How to Cite

Akkahad D. Development of Application for Cultural Tourism Promotion in Thonburi area with Augmented Reality Technology: การพัฒนาแอปพลิเคชันเพื่อส่งเสริมท่องเที่ยวเชิงวัฒนธรรมย่านฝั่งธนบุรีด้วยเทคโนโลยีความเป็นจริงเสริม . AdvSciJ [internet]. 2024 Jan. 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];24(1):20-39. available from:



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