Development of Brownies Product Using Riceberry Bran Substitute for Wheat Flour



  • Supattra Supsinolan Cookery and Food Service Program, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


ฺBrownies, Riceberry bran, Nutrition


          This research on the development of Brownies Products using Riceberry Bran Substitute for Wheat flour had the following objectives: 1) to study the appropriate amount of rice bran used to Substitute wheat flour in brownie products 2) to study the properties of the physical-chemical composition and nutritional value 3) to study shelf life 4) to study acceptance. Sensory preference was assessed using a 9-point hedonic scale by planning a randomized complete block trial (RCBD). It was found that the appropriate amount of rice bran was used as a replacement for wheat flour in bakery products. Brownie 20% in terms of appearance (color), aroma, taste, texture, and overall liking had averages of 7.80, 7.10, 7.10, 7.30, and 6.80, respectively, physical properties chemical composition, and nutritional value in 100 grams, it was found that energy was 434.00 kcal, moisture 16.25 grams, protein 6.52 grams, carbohydrate 55.09 grams, fat 20.84 grams, ash 1.30 grams, dietary fiber 12.63 grams, Water activity, L* value was 22.30, a* value was 7.70. b* value was 9.60, hardness 162.04 newton, cohesiveness 1.43, energy from fat 187.56 kilocalories, saturated fat 14.73 grams, cholesterol 76.64 milligrams, dietary fiber 12.63 grams, sugar 28.51 grams, sodium 53.66 milligrams, vitamin A 50.87 micrograms, vitamin B2 0.04 milligrams, calcium 44.51 milligrams, and 5.75 grams of iron, Brownie product have a shelf life of up to 21 days at room temperature and refrigerator temperature, 96 percent of consumers accept brownies products which develop by riceberry bran.



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How to Cite

Supsinolan S. Development of Brownies Product Using Riceberry Bran Substitute for Wheat Flour: การพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์ขนมบราวนี่โดยใช้รำข้าวไรซ์เบอร์รี่ทดแทนแป้งสาลี. AdvSciJ [internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];24(2):75-90. available from:



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