Design and Construction of Lathe knife sharpening set use with Small Lathes



  • yossawat Cheewaworanontree Engineering and Industrial Technology, BansomdejChaopraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok
  • Nukul Sarawong Engineering and Industrial Technology, BansomdejChaopraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok
  • Sombat Teekasap Graduate School, BansomdejChaopraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok
  • Kridtharit Thongsin Graduate School, BansomdejChaopraya Rajabhat University, Bangkok


Design / Lathe knife sharpening set / Small Lathes.


The objective of this research is to design and create a lathe tool set for use with small-sized lathe machines. This tool set can be employed to address teaching and learning issues related to basic machine tool subjects. The researchers have constructed a prototype equipment set, consisting of one set. The was evaluated by 13 experts, including 7 experts with teaching experience in basic machine tool subjects at the Vocational College Case Study, 3 professionals working in companies, and 3 individuals from general lathe shops, all with a minimum of 5 years of experience. These assessors were selected based on predetermined criteria and used a questionnaire for quality assessment of the prototype equipment. After the researchers demonstrated the usage of the lathe tool set, the overall quality assessment results from the 20 assessment points obtained from the experts had an average (μ) of 4.72 and a standard deviation (σ) of 0.40. This indicates that all 13 experts had a consistent opinion that the prototype equipment designed and created by the researchers for use with small-sized lathe machines is of high quality. They agreed that it meets the research objectives and can be practically used for lathe work. The average (μ) of the 20 assessment points falls within the range of 3.51 to 5.00, and the standard deviation does not exceed 1.00. The experts collectively believe that the prototype equipment is of high quality and can be effectively utilized in educational institutions and practical applications, as intended in the research.


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How to Cite

Cheewaworanontree yossawat, Sarawong N, Teekasap S, Thongsin K. Design and Construction of Lathe knife sharpening set use with Small Lathes: การออกแบบและสร้างชุดลับมีดกลึงเพื่อใช้กับเครื่องกลึงขนาดเล็ก. AdvSciJ [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 8];24(2):41-58. Available from:



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