Solar Cell Water Pump System for Thapsai Community PongNamRon District Chanthaburi Province

ระบบสูบน้ำพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์สำหรับชุมชนตำบลทับไทร อำเภอโป่งน้ำร้อน จังหวัดจันทบุรี


  • Kritsana Chantasit Logistics Engineering, Faculty of industrial Technology, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, Chanthaburi
  • Komsan Muisee Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of industrial Technology, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, Chanthaburi
  • Sarayut Chitphutthanakul Industrial Technology, Faculty of industrial Technology, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, Chanthaburi


Solar Cell Water Pump System, Solar Cell, Alternative Energy


         The objective of the study was to construct a solar cell water pump system for Thapsai subdistrict community, Pong Nam Ron district, Chanthaburi province. The sizes of the solar cell water pump were measured at 90x160x130 centimeters. The solar panels were equipped with a sloped angle of 15 degrees and were connected to 4 panels in parallel. The voltage production was 24 – 36 volts with the maximum power at 800 watts. It was working with a 24 volts submersible pump with a power capacity of 750 watts. The findings revealed that there were two working types of the solar cell water pump system. The first type was the direct system usage from the solar panels. The second type was to connect the system with the 24-volt batteries. It was tested from 7:00 hours to 17:00 hours, and the most effective time was at 11:00 hours which provided the highest amount of water at 27,000 liters per hour. It produced electrical power at 781.15 watts. During 7:00 hours and 17:00 hours, the working efficiency would decrease and remain at 30 percent. This was due to the decreasing of light intensity and growing degree in the panels which directly affected the efficiency of the solar panels. Following the batteries connecting system, it also provided an amount of water at 27,000 liters per hour. The solar panels took 2.25 hours to fully charge, and the battery system could be used with load not rather than 2.40 hours. In addition, the level of satisfaction for technology transfer was at 4.56 scores. 


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How to Cite

Chantasit K, Muisee K, Chitphutthanakul S. Solar Cell Water Pump System for Thapsai Community PongNamRon District Chanthaburi Province: ระบบสูบน้ำพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์สำหรับชุมชนตำบลทับไทร อำเภอโป่งน้ำร้อน จังหวัดจันทบุรี. AdvSciJ [internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];25(1):143-64. available from:



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