Applying Data Mining Techniques to Studying the Association Rules of Yarn Businesses: Case Study of a Yarn Company
การประยุกต์ใช้เทคนิคเหมืองข้อมูลในการศึกษากฎความสัมพันธ์ของธุรกิจเส้นด้าย กรณีศึกษาบริษัทเส้นด้ายแห่งหนึ่ง
Data Mining Techniques, Association Rules, Yarn BusinessesAbstract
The research aims to apply the principles of association rules in business using a case study of a yarn company. The research process in Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining: CRIPS-DM from a dataset spanning from 2015 to 2022, comprising 5,160 sets. Data collection, cleaning, and transformation were conducted before creating the models using the FP-Growth method in RapidMiner. The performance of the association rules is evaluated based on support and confidence values, resulting in the discovery of four rules all of which are effective according to statistical criteria, with a Confidence interval of 0.644 - 0.695 and a Support interval of 0.243 – 0.397. These rules provide guidance for business operations, such as production planning or marketing strategies tailored to customer behaviors, paving the way for smart business practices, and fostering organizational innovation for the future.
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