Relationships between Water Quality, Chlorophyll a and Aquatic Insect Diversity in Chemical Rice Paddy Fields, Nakhon Sawan Province
ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างคุณภาพน้ำ คลอโรฟิลล์ เอ และความหลากหลายของแมลงน้ำในนาข้าวเคมี จังหวัดนครสวรรค์
Water quality, Cholrophyll a, Aquatic insect, Chemical rice paddy fieldAbstract
The aim of this research was to assess the relationship among water quality, chlorophyll a concentration and aquatic insect diversity in chemical rice paddy fields. Water and aquatic insect were sampled at 3 sites from rice paddy field in Ko Liao district, Nakhon Sawan province between pre-cultivation and pre-harvest. The physicochemical parameters of water quality including temperature, turbidity, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrate-nitrogen and orthophosphates were measured. The results indicate that water quality of pre-harvest was lower than pre-cultivation. Concentration of chlorophyll a in water from chemical rice paddy fields were average 6.74±1.31 and 14.21±1.40 µg L-1 in pre-cultivation and pre-harvest, respectively. Eleven families of aquatic insects were examined. The species diversity (H’) and evenness (J) indices in pre-cultivation were higher than pre-harvest, but the richness index (d) was slightly higher at pre-harvest period. The biological indices as BMWP score and ASPT for evaluate water quality showed that the water quality was moderate to quite dirty in water from chemical rice paddy fields at pre-harvest period. Aquatic insect diversity in this study has negative relationships with nutrients and chlorophyll a concentration in water samples.
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