Coin Identification for Coin Recognition Systems Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning



  • Tomeyot Sanevong Na Ayutaya Computer Animation and Multimedia program, Faculty of Science and Technology , Phranakhon Rajabhat University
  • Sittiphong pornudomthap Computer Animation and Multimedia Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Bangkok


Coin Recognition, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Transfer Learning


        Coin collecting is a multifaceted hobby that appeals to individuals for various reasons, ranging from historical curiosity to investment opportunities to personal enjoyment and satisfaction. Moreover, information about different types of coins is important and necessary for the new generation of coin collectors. This research proposes the integration of deep learning technique incorporating with transfer learning for Thai coin recognition. By leveraging deep learning algorithms and transfer learning, this study can be applied to develop the coin information searching systems from coin images for Thai currency. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated and compared to other transfer learning models. The experimental results signify that the pre-trained MobileNet-v2 method can achieve the highest macro average f1-score of 100%, indicating that this approach is highly suitable for the Thai coin recognition system.


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How to Cite

Sanevong Na Ayutaya T, Sittiphong pornudomthap. Coin Identification for Coin Recognition Systems Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning: การระบุประเภทเหรียญกษาปณ์สำหรับระบบรู้จำเหรียญกษาปณ์โดยใช้เครือข่ายใยประสาทคอนโวลูชันและการเรียนรู้แบบถ่ายโอน. AdvSciJ [internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];25(1):218-33. available from:



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