Sustainability: an Approach in Planning to Raise the Quality of Life Through Open Space Development


  • Sonal Y. Khobragade Modern Engineering College Road Shivaji Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Sustainability, Urban metamorphosi, Environmental risk, Diversity, Open space development, Quality of life, People’s participation


A presentation of the notion of sustainable development through the eye of a town planner, by elucidating how open space development would change the character of the city and augment towards harmony in the socio-environmental chords of sustainable
development. It is an attempt to put forward awareness about the sustainability and environmental risk to ultimately reconcile ecological, social and economic factors of society. It is an attempt to reflect on socio-environmental dimension of the open space planning by addressing urban metamorphosis.


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How to Cite

Y. Khobragade, S. . (2014). Sustainability: an Approach in Planning to Raise the Quality of Life Through Open Space Development. Suan Sunandha Science and Technology Journal, 1(1), 5–14. retrieved from



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