Electricity and Water Supply Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission at the Office of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Resources management, Electricity, Water supply, Greenhouse gases emissionAbstract
This work was a data collection of electricity and water supply consumption of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand. The greenhouse gas emissions from electricity and water supply consumptions were calculated using the up-to-date emission factor from the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) database. In average, the office consumes 1.045 m3/d and 87.9 kWh/d of water and electricity, respectively. This is equal to 68.5 Liter per person (11.25 L/m2) and 4.1 kWh per person (0.6788 kWh /m2) for the daily water supply and electricity consumptions, respectively. The total daily greenhouse gas emission from both electricity and water supply consumption is 59.01 kg-CO 2 eq. which is mainly came from the electricity consumption (≈ 98%). The average emission based on people and area are 2.566 kg-CO 2 eq per person and 0.422 kg-CO 2/m2, respectively.
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