Applying STELLA model to optimize land allocation in watershed based on DO and BOD dynamics
STELLA, land use, optimization, DO, BODAbstract
Urban expansion with intensive and improper plan of land use can cause water deterioration along the watershed. This study aimed to find optimization of land allocation for sustainable development without water pollution in the Trang watershed, located in Nakhon Si Thammarat and Trang Province, Thailand by using STELLA software. Dissolve oxygen (DO) and biological oxygen demand (BOD) were used as water quality parameter to indicate water deterioration. Changes of DO and BOD over time in the study area were developed
by STELLA. Then, they were simulated from scenario with variation in percentage of land use types: forest (Fo), agriculture (Ag), urban (Ur) and industry (In). Results revealed that the correlation between the simulated and observed values of DO and BOD was in good agreement. The simulation of scenarios showed that when percentage of Ur and In were less than 5 or the percentage of Fo and Ag were larger than 95, water will be very clean (DO > 6 mg/L and BOD < 1.5 mg/L). Higher Ur and In, reduction of DO and increasing of BOD were found in this study. Water would be deteriorated (DO < 2 mg/L and BOD > 4 mg/L) when In and Ur were more
than 25%. The model developed by STELLA could be used to describe DO and BOD variation over time and help in finding optimization of land allocation without disturbing the water quality in Trang watershed. Furthermore, the model can be applied in other watersheds for sustainable land development.
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