WNN : File Format for Neural Network Interchange


  • Anirudh Giri Department of Computer Science Engineering, SRMIST Kattankulathur, India


Artificial neural networks, File format, Neural network model sharing, Neural network model saving


A programming language agnostic, neural network library agnostic, standardized file format used to save an already trained neural network model would facilitate the process of sharing or releasing said neural network model online in a simplistic fashion. A standard file format for saving neural network models would include metadata about the neural network such as the number of inputs, hidden layers, nodes per hidden layer, outputs and the activation function used along with the weights and bias values. Such a file can be parsed to reconstruct a neural network model in any programming language or library and would remove a neural network model's dependency on the library it was created on.


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How to Cite

Giri, A. . (2022). WNN : File Format for Neural Network Interchange. Suan Sunandha Science and Technology Journal, 8(1), 9–12. retrieved from https://li02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ssstj/article/view/378



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