Game Method Based on Genre Game as Higher Educational Learning: Systematic Literature Review with VOSviewer


  • Soni Adiyono
  • Sendi Novianto Informatics Engineering, Dian Nuswantoro University, Jl Imam Bonjol No 207, Pendrikan Kidul, Kec Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50131, Indonesia



Game method, Student, Higher education, Systematic literature review


Game methods today have often been applied in several functions in the presentation in the realm of learning in multi-disciplines. The application of gaming methods is very varied to provide a different presentation for students to obtain a goal in the organization. In this case, the purpose of an organization is to increase the productivity and quality of a student. This paper discusses the methods and domains that are often used in the realm of education to achieve a goal. Systematic Literature Review is used in the application of research methods by finding selected articles with selected themes. In sorting the selected journals, inclusion and exclusion were also applied to obtain better article search results, and some 1,256 articles were found in the process, the application of filtering with
exclusion and inclusion in this phase will result in 265 articles that fall into the category of candidate study discussion. The journal articles conclude that there are only 20 articles that can answer the questions in this paper. The results in this paper state that the Gaming Method in the realm of education is varied and the familiar game genre grouping used in the selected article is Simulation Game. The entire database in this research paper was obtained directly from the largest international journal alert database, namely Scopus. This is done by the database under the auspices of Elsevier as an organization or company publishing international scientific publications based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands since 1880.


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How to Cite

Adiyono, S. ., & Novianto, S. . (2022). Game Method Based on Genre Game as Higher Educational Learning: Systematic Literature Review with VOSviewer. Suan Sunandha Science and Technology Journal, 10(1), 23–33.



Research Articles