A New Type of Extended Soft Set Operation: Complementary Extended Union Operation
Soft set, Complementary extended soft set operations, Hemiring, AlgebrasAbstract
Soft set theory was proposed by Molodtsov in 1999 to model some problems involving uncertainty. It has a wide range of theoretical and practical applications. Soft set operations constitute the basic building blocks of soft set theory. Many kinds of soft set operations have been described and applied in various ways since the inception of the theory. In this paper, to contribute to the theory, a new soft set operation, called complementary extended union operation, is defined, its properties are discussed in detail to obtain the relationship of each operation with other soft set operations, and the distributions of these operations over other soft set operations are examined. We obtain that the complementary extended union operation along with other certain types of soft set operations construct some well-known algebraic structure such as Boolean Algebra, De Morgan Algebra, semiring, and hemiring in the set of soft sets with a fixed parameter set. Since Boolean Algebra is fundamental in digital logic design, computer science, information retrieval, set theory and probability; De Morgan Algebra in logic and set theory, computer science, artificial intelligence, circuit design; semirings in theoretical computer science, optimization problems, economics, cryptography and coding theory, and hemirings in combinatorics, mathematical economics, theoretical computer science, these algebraic structures provide essential tools for various applications, facilitating the analysis, design, and optimization of systems across many disciplines, and thus this study is expected to contribute to decision-making methods and cryptography based on soft sets.
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