Clothing design from printed fabric with plants.

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Waraporn Banlengloi
Kanyanat suungthuk
Pornpiriya ladnongkhun


           This study aims to study the process of printing fabrics with plants the designing and sewing of clothes with plant print fabric. the satisfaction survey on clothing design with plant printed fabrics was conducted by a specific sample group, i.e. 100 people who interested in natural dyed clothing products. a questionnaire used to assess the satisfaction of clothing design with plant printed fabrics. The results of the study on the fabric printing process with plants showed that there were 2 main steps as follows: first, fabric and leaves were prepared. The second step was to print natural prints with plants. clothing design effected minimal style from plant printed fabric there was 1 collection, consisted of 5 sets It was found that in terms of fashion design, modernity, and suitability, there was an average of 4.81, the structure and pattern cuts of the dress were appropriated, with an average of 4.72, the suitability of decorative materials, an average of 4.70, on the practicality and wearability. with an average of 4.68 and the suitability of printed fabrics for processing with an average of 4.60 in all 5 aspects with the highest level of satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Banlengloi, W., suungthuk, K. ., & ladnongkhun, P. . (2022). Clothing design from printed fabric with plants. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 1(1), 32–42. retrieved from
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