Product development of Thai lanterns from Manohra beads

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Sermsri Songneam
Kittidet Manichot
Vijit Sonhom


              This Research is on the product development of Thai lamps from Manora beads the objectives are to design and develop Manorah lamp beads 2.To study consumer satisfaction towards Thai lamps from Manora beads. The research Education of Manohra beads used for Thai lamps from Manorah beads is the creation of works by the process of designing 3 sketch designs. The factors used in the design applied the design principles to the satisfaction survey of the target group. By using the survey results, the survey respondents who had the most needs in the draft to create Thai lamps from Manorah beads and survey satisfaction from the target group of 32 people. The finding of this research had found that after completing the survey, in terms of the development of Thai lamps from Manora beads the survey respondents chiose the first sketch design with an idea inspired by the shape of a Chinese lantern. that looks like a cylinder which will be modified to resemble a Chinese lantern, which was like a guide to the sacred things to see the house where the Chinese lanterns are hang. And indicates a symbol of happiness, prosperity, wealth and means light to those who live. This work was created for people to have faith in sacred things to hold their hearts and people who love Thai work to realize the value of Thai work in the past and drive them to create a career for people in the community by applying the Manorah beads to Thai works to create unique works for the designers to convey about the culture in the community and the local wisdom they live in

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How to Cite
Songneam, S. ., Manichot, K. ., & Sonhom, V. (2022). Product development of Thai lanterns from Manohra beads . Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 1(1), 43–56. retrieved from
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