The Effect of Creative Art Activities with Natural Materials Enhances Third Year Kindergarten Student's Meditation Mehaviors

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Panyaporn Noichak
Wanitcha Sittipon


              The purpose of this research was to study and compare the meditation behaviors of kindergarten of 3 students before and after creative art activities using natural materials. The sample used in study included 10 kindergarten students between the ages of 5-6 years studying in the 3rd year,2nd kindergarten 3 semester 2, in 2021 at Beaconhouse Yamsaard Rangsit School in Pathum Thani Province. The sample was obtained by purposive sampling. The research instruments consisted of a plan for creative art activities with natural materials and a meditation behaviors assessment form for kindergarten students. The experiment duration was 4 weeks, with activities conducted of 12 times, each lasting 40 minutes. Data were analyzed using mean, standard diversion, and Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test

              The results indicated that 1) the meditation behaviors of kindergarten students before organizing creative art activities with natural materials, both overall and in all individual areas, were at a moderate level. After the creative art activities with natural materials, both overall and in all individual areas, the meditation behaviors were at a good level. 2) after the creative art activities with natural materials, the meditation behaviors of kindergarten students was higher than before with a statistical significance level of .05.

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How to Cite
Noichak , P. ., & Sittipon, W. . (2022). The Effect of Creative Art Activities with Natural Materials Enhances Third Year Kindergarten Student’s Meditation Mehaviors. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 1(1), 70–79. retrieved from
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