The Prototype of Early Childhood Toys with Native Fabrics

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Thanika Hutakamol
Singha Pattarasansophon
Sawaphat Chaodonkoon
Wasita Takiento


        This research is to develop a prototype of a product for early childhood toys using native fabrics. The objective was to study the prototype of creating children's toys with native fabrics. And to study the development of early childhood children aged 0-3 years who need to stimulate the development of fine motor muscles. Because fine motor skills are the basis for life such as grasping, scratching, writing, or all involving hands. Studies have shown that toys that help develop fine motor skills in early childhood should be toys that can be used with hands to pull. Easily stretched, squeezed, shaken, or crumpled. To stimulate the muscles of the child. Therefore, the researcher created 3 toy prototypes with native fabrics. And used to test the color fastness to washing found that it is in the medium-good range. Test for staining of paint after washing in good condition-very good. The water permeability test found that native fabrics have water permeability. As a result of scrubbing, it was found that the color of the fabric was slightly changed. And the effect of tear resistance found that the fabric has strong properties. And when a satisfaction survey of 100 parents with children aged 0-3 found that they were highly satisfied with all three toys and toy models. This can actually be applied. 


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How to Cite
Hutakamol, T., Pattarasansophon, S., Chaodonkoon, S. ., & Takiento, W. (2022). The Prototype of Early Childhood Toys with Native Fabrics. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 1(2), 17–28. retrieved from
Research articles


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