Development of banana supplement ice cream products

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Metanee Noppakun


The objective of this research was to study the optimum amount of banana in the production of ice cream.  Three basic formulas were studied: Formula 1 consisted of 250g of whipped cream, 61.10g of granulated sugar, 75g of glucose syrup, 168.70g of fresh milk, 24g of egg yolks, 0.40g of salt, 1.50g of vanilla and 40g of milk powder. Formula 2 contains 81.25g of fresh milk, 65g of granulated sugar, 17g of egg yolks, 33g of egg whites, 6g of wheat flour, and 0.25g of water. Formula 3 includes 250g of whipped cream, 160g of granulated sugar, 562.50g of fresh milk, 51g of egg yolk, 0.4g of salt, 3.30g of vanilla and 112.50g of water. Then, the 9-point hedonic scale test was used by 50 testers that accepted Formula 1. Therefore, it was developed into bananas ice cream product. There were three levels of banana 200, 400 and 600 g, respectively. The sample with 200 g bananas was found the most suitable formula to produce the final product which was further studied in terms of physicochemical properties and sensory evaluation. It was found that colour (L*, a* and b*) were 87.55, 1.54, 15.91, respectively. While Texture characteristics, overrun, and melting rate were 0.42 kgf/mm, 18.08% and 5.55 g/min, ice cream substituted with 200g bananas had the highest preference score.

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How to Cite
Noppakun, M. (2023). Development of banana supplement ice cream products. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 2(1), 1–9. retrieved from
Academic articles


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