A study of the supervision model for the development of the teaching skills of early childhood teachers that promotes basic science process for early childhood learners in a general education private school affiliating to Chaiyaphum Provincial Educatio

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Witawit Prasansaktavee


This research was conducted to 1) Develop an instructional manual for the development of skills on basic science processes for early childhood teachers that meet the reference standard of 80/80. 2) Investigate the results of early childhood teacher development regarding the teachers’ ability to develop the skills on basic science process among the early childhood learners based on the self-study method and the coaching and mentoring method. 3) Study the satisfaction of the early childhood teachers with the use of an instructional manual that develop basic science process for early childhood by using the self-study method and the coaching and mentoring method. The sample consisted of 36 early childhood teachers, who were selected by using a purposive random method, from the general education private schools affiliating with Chaiyaphum Provincial Education Office. The research was based on a working process called coil circuit proposed by Kemmis. The approach consists of 4 working steps: A) The Planning Step, involving analyzing and specifying problems that needed to be solved, B) The Acting Step, involving the implementing of the plan, C) The Observing Step, involving the analyzing of the results of the implementation, and D) Reflecting Step, involving providing further improvement of operations. This cycle of research operation is abbreviated as PAOR.  The process was carried out in two cycles, using two development models namely; self-study and coaching and mentoring methods. The two models were carried out continuously through the 2021 academic year. The following results were observed.

  1. Regarding the effectiveness of the practical manual on organizing learning experiences for developing basic science process skills for early childhood teachers, the manual developed in this research was found with efficient at the level of 82.63/85.64, which was higher than the set criteria.

  2. Regarding the efficiency of the teacher development which was aimed to increase the teacher's proficiency in teaching that promoted basic science skills for early childhood children by using self-study Coaching and Mentoring, it was found that the teachers’ teaching skills tested after the introduction of the two methods was found to be significantly higher than skill evaluated before the intervention at a significant level of .05.

  3. Teachers’ ability to write a teaching plan. 3.1) In the first-round evaluation, the teachers’ overall ability to write a teaching plan to enhance the development of basic science skills among the early childhood learners was found at a Good Level with an average score of 75.00 percent. 3.2) The teachers’ overall ability to write a teaching plan to enhance the development of basic science skills among the early childhood learners was found at a Very Good Level with an average score of 83.33 percent.

  4. Regarding the teachers’ satisfaction with the supervision of learning management to promote basic science skills for early childhood children, it was revealed that the teachers’ overall satisfaction with the related educational supervision was at the Highest Level. It was additionally observed in the itemized investigation that the area of supervision with the highest mean was suggestive supervision, which provided more practical teaching clues that helped increase teaching confidence. However, the area with the lowest score of satisfaction, which was still rated at a high level of average score, was the self-study method which was intended to provide the teachers with optimal freedom of learning.

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How to Cite
Prasansaktavee, W. (2023). A study of the supervision model for the development of the teaching skills of early childhood teachers that promotes basic science process for early childhood learners in a general education private school affiliating to Chaiyaphum Provincial Educatio. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 2(1), 10–20. retrieved from https://li02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHET/article/view/458
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