Consumer acceptance of Madan pandan tea products using Stevia as a sweetener instead of sugar

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Rattanaporn Manokit
onuma kamdaeng
pornpimol phoukphong
orawan puengksum
kringsak singkaew


The purpose of this research was to investigate consumer acceptance of Madan pandan tea products using Stevia sweetener instead of sugar. Accidental sampling was conducted using a group of 100 general consumers at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi and the student dormitory area near the university. The study found that 74% of respondents were female and 78 % were aged between 15 and 24 years. Most were student (81%) and 70%, had a monthly income of less than 10,000 baht. The main deciding factor for buying tea we’re price (55%), preference for sweet tea (45%), citrus fruit tea (32%). There were reasons for drinking tea for health (43%), followed by drinking for refreshment (20%). The subjects accepted the Madan pandan tea product using stevia by rating their liking for color, odor, taste, aftertaste and overall liking with scores of 7.10, 7.20, 7.00, 7.06 and 7.25, respectively. Additionally, 98% of consumers accepted the Madan pandan tea product using stevia. 70% of consumers will make a purchase decision if the product is available.

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How to Cite
Manokit, R. ., kamdaeng, onuma, phoawarin, phoukphong, pornpimol, puengksum, orawan, & singkaew, kringsak. (2023). Consumer acceptance of Madan pandan tea products using Stevia as a sweetener instead of sugar. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 2(2), 617.
Academic articles


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