Development of Job’s Tears Flour Supplement Thai Dessert : Khanom Thong Eak Products

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Kriangsak Singkaew
Wassana Jairai
Chanikan Monpood


The objective of this research was to study the optimum amount of Job’s Tears flour in the production of Thai dessert : Thong Eak. Three basic formulas were studied : Formula 1 consisted of 100 grams of all-purpose wheat flour, 10 grams of arrowroot flour, 230 grams of coconut milk, 160 grams of sugar, 150 grams of egg yolk and 5 grams of yellow food coloring. Formula 2 consists of 100 grams of all-purpose wheat flour, 250 grams of coconut cream, 160 grams of sugar, 150 grams of egg yolk. Formula 3 consists of 90 grams of all-purpose wheat flour, 220 grams of coconut cream, 170 grams of sugar, 200 grams of egg yolk. Then sensory evaluated the 9-point hedonics scale test was used by 50 testers that accepted Formula 2 had the highest score from the testers, which was 7.45, meaning very like. Therefore, it was developed into Job’s Tears flour Thong-Eak dessert product. There were 5 levels of Job’s Tears flour 20% (20 grams), 40% (40 grams), 60% (60 grams), 80% (80 grams) and 100% (100 grams) respectively. The score of testers from sensory evaluation test. It showed the difference with statistical significance was at the 0.05 level (p≤0.05), were like very much of the sample Job’s Tears flour 80%.Then physical properties was found that color (L*, a* and b* ) were 46.39, 13.81 and 37.29  respectively.

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How to Cite
Singkaew, K. . ., Jairai, W., & Monpood, C. . (2023). Development of Job’s Tears Flour Supplement Thai Dessert : Khanom Thong Eak Products. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 2(2), 624.
Academic articles


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