Development of Applied Wreath Prototypes
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Research study Applied Wreath Product Development intended for Design and development of applied wreath prototypes and to study the satisfaction of consumers toward applied wreaths, this research is a Qualitative Research and Experimental Research, The samples used in this research were: Customers who come to use the service with Lamon Flower and Garden Co., Ltd, by Purposive Sampling 30 People, After that, the satisfaction of consumers toward the applied wreath design was surveyed with a 2-part structured questionnaire, Data were analyzed on the general characteristics of the respondents. and analyze data on satisfaction with the wreath design using percentage (Percentage), mean (x̅) and standard deviation (S.D.).
The research results found that: Three types of wreath prototypes are designed according to geometric shapes: rectangular, circular and oval shapes, Each shape has two structures: the structure of the wreath that is used for arranging flowers; and the base to support the weight of the structure and flowers, Each shape has the same size as follows: The wreath structure has a width of 50 x 120 centimeters the base is 30 x 70 centimeters wide, The applied wreath flower arrangement, type 1, uses the theory of opposite colors, which uses both warm and cool colors. Warm colors include orange and cool colors include green, The second type of applied wreath flower arrangement uses related color groups, including pink and purple, The third applied wreath flower arrangement uses cool colors in the blue and green groups, From the questionnaire responses of the sample group, it was found that: Most respondents were female, aged 30 - 39 years, and had a master's degree. Work as a government official/government employee/state enterprise employee Have an average monthly income of more than 40,000 baht, From the questionnaire on satisfaction with the applied wreath design. This affects the decision to purchase all 3 types of applied wreaths. It was found that type 3 applied wreaths had the highest overall satisfaction score followed by a high level of overall satisfaction, including: Applied wreath style 1 and Applied wreath style 2
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Articles published are copyright of the Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi The statements contained in each article in this academic journal are the personal opinions of each author and are not related to Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi and other faculty members at the university in any way Responsibility for all elements of each article belongs to each author. If there is any mistake Each author is solely responsible for his or her own articles.
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