The use of Banana Syrup as a Substitute for Caramel in Cereal Bar Products

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Narudee Onsri
Phonsit Numnuam
Kasemsan Kasemsan Thongdee
Khamthong Karuya
Apinya Puksuksakul
Natcharat Paekul
Sakuntar Kumchoo


The research use banana syrup as a substitute for caramel in cereal bar products aimed to determine suitable formulations and optimal levels of banana syrup substitution. Various proportions of banana syrup replacing caramel at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% were evaluated for their physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics using a 5-Point Hedonic Scaling Test and analyzed statistically with ANOVA. Results revealed that the panelists favored the formulation with 34.83% caramel, 7.74% sunflower seeds, 18.38% oats, 9.67% pumpkin seeds, 1.93% sesame seeds, 10.05% cornflakes, 14.50% flaxseed, and 2.90% coconut oil (formula 2). Substituting caramel with banana syrup showed no significant difference in sensory attributes and physical qualities such as texture (crispiness) among samples. Additionally, the chemical quality parameter, water activity (aw), remained consistent across formulations with 0% and 100% substitution. Consequently, adopting a 100% substitution ratio of banana syrup for caramel is recommended for developing compressed cereal products.

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How to Cite
Onsri, N., Numnuam, P. ., Kasemsan Thongdee, K. ., Karuya, K., Puksuksakul, A., Paekul, N., & Kumchoo, S. (2024). The use of Banana Syrup as a Substitute for Caramel in Cereal Bar Products. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 3(1), 777.
Research articles


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