The development of OTOP business potential for producing Handicraft Paper Kan Bua Luang and Distribution channel creation to strengthen the community of Phonphiman Village, Thanyaburi
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This research used a quantitative research approach to examine community fundamentals. OTOP product operator Pornpiman Village, Thanyaburi District, and the use of qualitative research approaches by using in-depth questionnaires and in-depth interviews and small group seminars to get basic information and insights in knowledge of OTOP product manufacturing experience and business knowledge OTOP product distribution for the design, training, invention of OTOP products, fine arts from Kanbua Luang paper, packaging design and fabrication, business management training ,business planning and creating distribution channels for OTOP products, handicrafts, Paper Kanbua luang and more. To strengthen the community of Phon Phiman Village, Thanyaburi District
The population used in this research was the participants of the seminar on making products, making products from Kan Bua Luang paper. Business management approach and the creation of distribution channels for all products of 45 people. The research instruments were questionnaires and statistics used for analysis such as percentage (%), mean score (X), standard deviation (S.D.). There are people with higher education levels. 10 students at the bachelor's degree, accounting for 22.0 percent, and have a lower education level. At the bachelor's degree, there were 35 people, representing 78.0 percent. Problems and needs to develop business management potential of entrepreneurs, research results show The selection of training needs to develop knowledge on 3 main topics as follows: No. 1 needs training on marketing development and creating distribution channels 51.11%. The participants of the seminar 45 people have a need for training. Mean score (X) = 4.44 and standard deviation (SD) = 0.59, 2nd place, 31.11% of OTOP packaging design, mean score (X) = 3.62 and standard deviation (SD). = 0.78, 3rd place, product diversity development, 17.78%, mean score (X) = 3.24 and standard deviation (SD) = 0.65.From quantitative and qualitative data The researcher analyzes and organizes business management knowledge development training. Marketing, creating distribution channels Get successful results Pornpiman Village Community Able to produce handicraft paper Able to manage the community in doing business And building distribution channels With continuous improvement and development with a group of researchers as a constant advisor
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Articles published are copyright of the Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi The statements contained in each article in this academic journal are the personal opinions of each author and are not related to Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi and other faculty members at the university in any way Responsibility for all elements of each article belongs to each author. If there is any mistake Each author is solely responsible for his or her own articles.
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