Selection of optimum formulas for development of shrimp sour curry flavor konjac jelly products by evaluating sensory quality

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Nuntachaporn Doungin
Chayanon Buajan
Khopsoh Yamae
Warinthorn Chaiyarat
Marin Salee
Natthakan Pannarat
Orawan Oupathumpanont


The objective of this research is to study a suitable formula for the development of shrimp sour curry flavor konjac jelly products. The factor studied was the ratio of konjac powder to carrageenan, which was changed to 3 levels: 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1. The appropriate formula was selected by analyzing the pressure value. and evaluating consumer preferences. The results showed that the appropriate ratio of konjac powder to carrageenan for the development of konjac shrimp curry flavor konjac jelly was 3:1.

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How to Cite
Doungin, N., Buajan, C., Yamae, K., Chaiyarat, W., Salee, M., Pannarat, N., & Oupathumpanont, O. (2024). Selection of optimum formulas for development of shrimp sour curry flavor konjac jelly products by evaluating sensory quality. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 3(1), 803.
Research articles


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