Development of Mulberry Jam Fortified with Banana Peel Powder
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This research focused on developing mulberry jam fortified with banana peel powder to address food waste concerns while enhancing the product's nutritional value. The objectives were to: 1) establish a standard formula for mulberry jam production, 2) investigate the effects of varying banana peel powder fortification levels (0%, 1%, 3%, 5%, and 7%), and 3) evaluate the physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics of the products. Results revealed that the optimal jam formula consisted of 44.54% mulberry fruit, 27.84% water, 0.45% pectin, 28.39% brown sugar, and 0.45% banana peel powder (1% level), which received the highest overall acceptance score of 7.47±0.73 on a 9-Point Hedonic Scale. Physical and chemical analysis of the jam fortified with 1% banana peel powder showed total soluble solids of 46.50±1.32 °Brix and water activity (aw) of 0.897±0.003. No significant statistical differences were found in total soluble solids among the 1%, 3%, and 7% fortification levels. Although higher fortification levels (3% and 5%) could potentially reduce more food waste, improvements in texture and taste characteristics are needed to enhance consumer acceptance. Future research should explore shelf-life extension, taste balance optimization (such as increasing acidity), and the use of fresh mulberries instead of frozen ones to enhance flavor quality. This research demonstrates the potential of incorporating banana peel powder into mulberry jam, not only reducing food waste but also creating value-added products aligned with sustainable Zero Food Waste principles.
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Articles published are copyright of the Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation. Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi The statements contained in each article in this academic journal are the personal opinions of each author and are not related to Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi and other faculty members at the university in any way Responsibility for all elements of each article belongs to each author. If there is any mistake Each author is solely responsible for his or her own articles.
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