Effect of organising creative art activities using loose parts materials on the cooperation behaviour of third-year kindergarten students
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The purpose of this research was to examine the cooperative behaviour of third-year kindergarten students, comparing their behaviour before and after engaging in creative art activities using loose parts materials. The cluster random sampling method was used to collect a sample of 35 students, aged 5-6 years, enrolled in kindergarten 3, semester 2, and the academic year 2023 at Wat Khian Khet School in Pathum Thani Province. The research method used a one-group pretest-posttest experimental design. The research instruments included 24 creative art activity plans using loose parts materials and a cooperation behaviour observation form. The experiment duration was 8 weeks, 3 days a week, 30 minutes a day, for a total of 24 sessions. The data was statistically analysed by using the mean score and t-test dependent. The research findings revealed that: 1. Before the experiment, third-year kindergarten students had cooperation behaviour in all aspects and was at a moderate level overall. After the experiment, the students' cooperation behaviour improved in all aspects. Overall, the level of cooperation was satisfactory. 2. After organising creative art activities using loose parts materials, it was found that the third-year kindergarten students had cooperation behaviours in all aspects after the experiment, which were significantly higher than before the experiment at a statistical level of .05.
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