Development of Syrup Products from Hom Thong Bananas

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Orawan Phuengcome
Natthanicha Muangchang
Parina Thongtasi
Sathit Chanaphaworaphong
Metanee Noppakun


This research aimed to develop a syrup product from Hom Thong bananas by investigating the production process and comparing syrup quality using four different types of sugar (black sugar, brown sugar, white sugar, cane sugar) and honey. The production utilized a 1:1 ratio of banana to sweetener and was stored at room temperature for 15 days. The samples were evaluated for physical and chemical properties, including color values (L*, a*, b*), sweetness, pH, alcohol content, and sensory acceptance using a 9-point hedonic scale test with 50 panelists.

Results showed that the color values L*, a*, and b* of the syrups ranged from 3.88-32.34, 2.03-8.69, and 6.24-29.21, respectively. Brown sugar yielded the highest brightness value, while cane sugar produced the lowest. Positive a* values indicated red tones, while positive b* values indicated yellow tones. Sweetness and pH values ranged from 57.93-72.80 °Brix and 4.31-5.04, respectively. All syrup samples contained either no or negligible alcohol content. Sensory evaluation revealed that Formula 2, prepared with Hom Thong bananas and brown sugar, received the highest preference scores.

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How to Cite
Phuengcome, O., Muangchang, N., Thongtasi, P., Chanaphaworaphong, S., & Noppakun, M. (2024). Development of Syrup Products from Hom Thong Bananas. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 3(2), 69–76.
Research articles


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