The Noise Contour Map and Defining the Boundaries of the Noise Pollution Control Area in the Production Building: A Case Study of a Plastic Factory in Chonburi Province

การจัดทำแผนผังแสดงระดับเสียงในอาคารผลิต กรณีศึกษา โรงงานผลิตบรรจุภัณฑ์พลาสติกแห่งหนึ่งในจังหวัดชลบุรี


  • Sukon Khawgrib Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Health Sciences, Siam Technology College, Bangkok
  • Nualnit Sangsiriwut Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Health Sciences, Siam Technology College, Bangkok
  • Sasithon Lorenz Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Health Sciences, Siam Technology College, Bangkok
  • Benchamart Thongkhimuk Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Health Sciences, Siam Technology College, Bangkok


Noise Level, Noise Contour Map, Hearing Loss, Plastic Packaging Factory


          This cross-sectional study aimed to prepare a noise contour map and determine the noise pollution control area in a plastic packaging factory production building in Chonburi Province. Noise level measurement sampling point is systematically randomized using a grid of 5x5 meters, total of 114 points. The noise level was measured with the Sound Level Meter (IEC 61672-1 Class 2) and calibrated before measuring with Acoustic Calibrator. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics (minimum, maximum, average and percentage). A noise contour map was created using the SURFER software package (Version 15.0). The study results found that the noise level was in the range of 57.4 - 91.6 dB(A), the average was 80.7 dB(A) and the noise level that were more than 85 dB(A) was 27 points (24%). The highest noise level at the Thermoforming Machine was 91.6 dB(A). The production building area of approximately 1,300 m2 (43%) has a noise level in excess of 85 dB(A), designated as a noise pollution control area. The factory must prepare mitigation measures such as hearing conservation measures, working hours rotation, hearing protection equipment, yearly hearing checkups and update the noise contour map every 3 years or when changing machinery.


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How to Cite

Khawgrib S, Sangsiriwut N, Lorenz S, Thongkhimuk B. The Noise Contour Map and Defining the Boundaries of the Noise Pollution Control Area in the Production Building: A Case Study of a Plastic Factory in Chonburi Province: การจัดทำแผนผังแสดงระดับเสียงในอาคารผลิต กรณีศึกษา โรงงานผลิตบรรจุภัณฑ์พลาสติกแห่งหนึ่งในจังหวัดชลบุรี. AdvSciJ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 10];22(2):R145 - R159. Available from:



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