The Effect of Acute Hemorrhagic Disease Control Program and Ban-Yung on Acute Hemorrhagic Disease Prevention and Control Behaviors Bangkok Study Area
Acute hemorrhagic disease control program and Ban-Yung, Mosquito larvae, Acute hemorrhagic diseaseAbstract
This study was a quasi-experimental study, with one group pretest-posttest design. The objective was to study the effect of acute hemorrhagic disease control program and Ban-Yung on acute hemorrhagic disease prevention and control behaviors in Thawi Watthana district, Bangkok. Comparing the average scores for control behavior of mosquito larvae, scores of satisfaction, and the mosquito larvae index before and after receiving the acute hemorrhagic disease control program and Ban-Yung. The result showed that the total sample of 48 people, mostly 72.92% were female, aged 65-69 years were 50.00%. Elementary education level was 83.33%, hypertension was 45.83%. The volunteers' behaviors after receiving the acute hemorrhagic disease control program and Ban-Yung were significantly improved in the prevention and elimination of aedes larvae statistically (p-value<.001), as well as the survey behavior of mosquito larvae (p-value<.001), the overall satisfying was 4.27±0.67 at the most satisfied level same as performance and reasonable price. The mosquito larvae prevalence index, the HI was 18.75, 10.42 and 6.25 respectively and the CI was 15.10 10.94 and 9.38 respectively, which continued to decrease. This study indicated that acute hemorrhagic disease control program and Ban-Yung affects acute hemorrhagic disease prevention and control behaviors and aedes larvae prevalence index.
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