Effect of Lotus Root Powder on Physical, Chemical and Sensory Quality of Milk Ice Cream

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Paponpat Pattarathitiwat
Itsaraphap Kaewpangchan
Itsaraphap Kaewpangchan
Pilairuk Intipunya


           This research was to evaluate the effect of lotus root powder on physical chemical and sensory qualities of ice cream. The research was done by varying 3 levels of lotus root powder including 50 100 and 150 g respectively. The study was conducted by added lotus root powder into ice cream mix. Then the ice cream samples were stored in refrigerator (-18 oC) before analyzed. The samples were analyzed physical chemical and sensory evaluation. The research showed that ice cream had the ranges to  lightness from 27.60 – 55.05 redness 0.37-2.97 and yellowness 8.54 – 9.67. The research showed that lotus root powder effected to increased lightness and redness whereas decrease low yellowness. Moreover, the ice cream showed high overrun and low melting with high quantity of lotus root powder. The data range from 7-11% and 1.25-15.75 g respectively. The sensory test showed that ice cream contain of 50 g of lotus root powder were showed highest sensory scores in all attributes. These results showed that high amount of lotus root powder effected to accept quality product. This research conclude that lotus root powder was affected to ice cream qualities

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How to Cite
Pattarathitiwat, P., Kaewpangchan, I., Kaewpangchan, I., & Intipunya, P. (2022). Effect of Lotus Root Powder on Physical, Chemical and Sensory Quality of Milk Ice Cream. Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 1(2), 71–76. retrieved from https://li02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHET/article/view/396
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