Effect of partial substitution of fat with avocado on the physical and sensory properties of butter cookies

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Apidech pongprajak
Nawaphat Jaipet
Rueagrit Thongtha
Pornpachen Chuchird


           This research aimed to study the effect of replacing butter with avocado on the physical properties and sensory evaluation of butter cookies. Avocados were substituted for butter 20 %, 30%, 40%, and 50 % weight of butter in the butter cookie. Physical properties and sensory evaluation tests were performed on cookies with

20 % butter substitution with had L* (lightness) value of = 55.84 ± 0.23. Cookies with 30 % butter substitution showed high a* (10.68 ± 0.49) and b* (31.10 ± 0.36) values. Cookies with 40 % butter substitution had a high aw value (0.34 ± 0.01). For 50 % butter substitution, Its highest hardness (2.29 ± 0.14 g). For the sensory tests scored to show the highest acceptance score (color = 8.3 ± 0.73, order = 7.9 ± 0.71, flavor = 8.2 ± 0.55, texture = 8.1± 0.78, crispiness = 8.0 ±0.97 and overall = 8.3±0.74) was found in the cookie with 30 % butter substitution. The result showed that the increase in butter substitution by avocado affected the texture in addition. The nutrition value per 1 piece of cookies has a total energy of 32.48 kcal (carbohydrate of 4.26 grams, protein of 0.56 grams, and fat of 1.49 grams).

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How to Cite
pongprajak, A., Jaipet, N., Thongtha, R., & Chuchird, P. (2022). Effect of partial substitution of fat with avocado on the physical and sensory properties of butter cookies . Journal of Home Economics Technology and Innovation, 1(2), 77–86. retrieved from https://li02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JHET/article/view/397
Research articles
Author Biography

Rueagrit Thongtha



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