The Development a Vintage Clothing Style from Ebony Dyed Silk
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The Objectives of this research was to develop a vintage collection design from ebony dyed silk. And survey the satisfaction of consumers towards vintage clothing from ebony dyed silk from a specific group. 50 interested people. The research instruments was questionnaire. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage and mean. Research results for the development of vintage clothing styles from ebony dyed silk which received 3 prototype sets was found that most of the respondents were females, aged 21-23 years old, in terms of knowledge of ebony dyed silk who studied about silk dyed ebony and like the colors of ebony dyed silk the most liked accounted for 52 percent. The results of the research on satisfaction with vintage clothing styles from ebony dyed silk both 3 sets found that satisfaction with vintage clothing styles from ebony dyed silk was at the highest level of satisfaction. The highest was the third set with an average of 4.33, followed by the second set with an average of 4.27 and the final rank, set 1, with the average of 4.12.
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