Development of Coin Based Mobile Phone Charger by Solar Energy
Charger, Cell phone battery, Coin operated, Solar energyAbstract
Development of coin based mobile phone charger by solar energy to be used as a backup power service device for charging the phone. The goal is to install them at bus stops or public for use in an emergency by using scientific process, technology, engineering design combined with mathematics, using the arduino circuit, which is a microcontroller board, to program. There is a solar panel as a power source. There is a switch 1 for turning on / off the machine in case of using 220 AC power to feed the machine. Switch 2 for turning on / off the power from the solar charger. Switch 3 for turning on / off the machine using electricity solar charger. There are 4 types of coin slots: 1 baht, 2 baht, 5 baht and 10 baht. There is an LCD display showing the status of the amount and time, 4 USB port sockets by using the built-in machine to experiment to study the amount of energy obtained from charging with coins of different values in the phone off state. By experimenting with a samsung A5 2016 model. It was found that when inserting 1 baht coins, the device will supply power for 5 minutes, charging 6.33%. Inserting 2 baht coins, the device will supply power for 10 minutes, charging 15.67%. Inserting a coin 5 baht, the machine will supply power for 25 minutes, charging 35.33%. Inserting 10 baht coins, the machine will supply power for 50 minutes, charging 64.67% and used to experiment with 20 random teachers and students of Nakhon Sawan Technical College. It was found that the satisfaction level of teachers and students, mean of 4.81 and a standard deviation of 0.39 and very good level.
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