Development of Monitoring Model for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Nonthaburi Province
Model development, Monitoring, Pulmonary tuberculosisAbstract
This participatory action research aimed to analyze the TB situation, developing of monitoring for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Nonthaburi province and assessing results by using participatory planning process technique AIC. The sample consisted of 50 officers of the Provincial Public Health Hospital and the Provincial Public Health Hospital working on tuberculosis in Nonthaburi province. Data were collected by using a questionnaire, an interview form, and a set of open-ended questions created by the researcher between november2022 to February 2023, quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Paired t-test. The qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study found that officials still lack understanding about tuberculosis. Directing the patient's medication intake is a relative. There is no knowledge of the patient's medication intake. And the staff lacks coordination and continuous follow-up of patients. The model developed from the study is NON-TB MODEL 1) N = NTIP base for Faultless and Continue Data 2) O = Observation Therapy by VOT 3) N = Network for Monitoring and Evaluation 4) T = Training TB care in Health Personnel 5) B = Best Practice to Implementation. Evaluation, it was found that public health officers had more knowledge about TB treatment guidelines. Suggestions: There should be a training for staff about tuberculosis care guidelines once a year and there should be continuous monitoring and monitoring of TB patients. Including there should be other agencies let's take part in the prevention and control of tuberculosis effectively.
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