E-learning Media through the Metaverse System to Develop Computational Skills of Students in Grades 1–3


  • Kasidit Piyanaraphiboon Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Sittisak Jantima Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Pimchanok Suwannasri Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University




E-learning media, Metaverse, Computational skills


The aims of the research were to 1) create e-learning materials through the Metaverse system to develop computational skills of students in grades 1–3, 2) compare learning achievements before and after learning, and 3) evaluate the satisfaction of people who used this media. The research tools were: 1) e-learning media through the Metaverse system to develop computational skills for grade 1-3 students; 2) an e-learning media quality assessment form via the Metaverse system; 3) a questionnaire on the satisfaction of target group students; and 4) pre-study test and post-study tests. The target group was 28 grade 1 students at Wat Sankhayom School, Lamphun Province, who were selected by purposive random sampling. The results of the research showed that: 1) The development of e-learning materials for teaching computational skills through the metaverse system is made up of 12 games and exercises for teaching computational skills to students in grades 1–3. 2) A comparison of learning achievements pre-learning and post-learning revealed that the post-learning achievement was higher than pre-learning at the statistical significance level of 0.01. (3) The average of students' satisfaction with the media was found to be 4.50 and standard diviation 0.07, which is at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Piyanaraphiboon, K., Jantima, S., & Suwannasri, P. (2023). E-learning Media through the Metaverse System to Develop Computational Skills of Students in Grades 1–3. Science and Technology to Community, 1(1), 60–70. https://doi.org/10.57260/stc.2023.510