Development of Appointment Management Application : Case Study Dental Clinic
System development, Appointment, Clinic, DentalAbstract
The objective of the application development for service appointment management is to develop an application to manage appointments and evaluate applications. The population consisted of 3 dental clinic staffs and a purposive sample of 12 customers. The research tools were 1) a service appointment management application; 2) an evaluation form. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation. The research results were as follows: 1) The development of the application was divided into two parts: the clinic staffs were able to manage information on various services, clinic holidays, manage appointments, view information, and cancel appointments., check service history including managing payments and view income reports and statistics. The customers can submit a request for service and manage appointment information, check appointment status via mobile phone. 2) The results of the application assessment indicate that the application's usability is the most stable, followed by benefits and design in that order.
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