The Stigmatization of Leprosy Patients among General Population in Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province
Stigmatization, Leprosy patientsAbstract
This descriptive cross-sectional study aimed to study the stigmatization of leprosy patients among people in the Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province. The sample group was 400 general populations in subdistricts that had new leprosy cases in the past 10 years (2012 - 2021) in the Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province. Data collection was conducted in August 2023. The tool used in this study was an Explanatory Model Interview Catalog (EMIC). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including Enumerate frequencies and percentages. The results of the study found that 400 general population in sub-districts with new leprosy cases in the past 10 years (2012 - 2021) in the Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province, 62.25% are female, 52% are between 35-54 years old, 44.75% have primary education, 72.50% are married, 46.50 % are employed, and have no members. Family or relatives with leprosy 97.50%, there are people in the community with leprosy 89.50%, have been infected or contracted leprosy by air or breathing 51.50%, 77.50% have an understanding that leprosy can be cured, and 88.75% were stigmatized. Therefore, in carrying out leprosy prevention and control operations, correct knowledge about leprosy should be provided to the general people in the community. In order to reduce the negative attitude towards the disease and patients with leprosy, there should also be training or academic rehabilitation for public health personnel to have correct knowledge and understanding to be able to provide services to leprosy patients without further stigma and discrimination.
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