Predicting Areas Damaged by Forest Fires in Chiang Mai Province
Chiang mai province, Damaged area, Forest fireAbstract
Chiang Mai Province is the province most affected by forest fires in the country. Forecasting the area damaged by forest fires in Chiang Mai Province has limited data, so the forecast is made using the models from Gray System Theory, which uses a small amount of data. Data on damaged areas (rai) from forest fires from the Chiang Mai Conservation Area Administration Office 16, fiscal year 2017 to 2021, is therefore used to forecast damaged areas in fiscal year 2022. It was found that the Gray model with error adjustment (GM(1,1)EPC) had a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of only 11.70 percent, which was used to forecast well, there would be a damaged area of 32,220 rais, 8.71 percent higher than the previous fiscal year. However, there is no report from the relevant agencies, so it cannot be verified with the actual value.
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