The Development of Health Promotion and Care Systems for the Elderly and Dependent People in Sukhothai Province
Caring for the elderly, Health promotion, Dependent people, System, BehaviorAbstract
The number of elderly people tends to increase every year. Developing a care system for the elderly and dependent people is very necessary. The researcher is interested in developing a health promotion and care system for the elderly and dependent people in Sukhothai Province. It is quasi-experimental in which the study of the situation and the research for problems is carried out. Design, development and evaluation of long-term care systems for the elderly and dependent persons in Sukhothai province. The respondents are executives and committees to support and develop the implementation of long-term care services in public health. For people with dependence, Health District 2, Phitsanulok and provincial level, including the elderly and all dependent persons, a total of 9 districts in Sukhothai province, totaling 3,585 people. The research result found that developing a long term care system for the elderly and dependent people in Sukhothai Province. The main components include Policy development, Management, Integration, Social and Community participation. As a result, there are more personnel with the potential to support the care of the elderly and those with dependencies. Including that the elderly have more desirable health behaviors. In addition, when analyzed by aspect, it was found that the elderly have more desired health behaviors by physical activity an increase of up to 7.50 percent in 2023. The elderly people have the most desired health behavior which is oral health care. Taking care of yourself when sick and did not drink alcohol beverages 91.90%, 91.50% and 91.20%, respectively. In addition, when analyzing the results of screening for 9 worsening conditions in the elderly through the Blue Book Application, it was found that overall, Sukhothai Province has screened 88,105 people (82.65%). The top 3 most common risk condition are: vision, oral health and physical movement, which were 10.61%, 10.22% and 9.81%, respectively. Therefore, developing a system of working together to care for the elderly and those with dependency should develop together as a network and develop the entire system. To support the health care of the elderly and those with dependent conditions to have good health behaviors, able to take care of oneself and have a consistently good quality of life.
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