Situation and Factors Related to Postpartum Hemorrhage, Tao Ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon Province


  • Pongrak Thunthawut Tao Ngoi Hospital



Situation, Postpartum hemorrhage, Postpartum mothers


This Research study is a retrospective cohort study, aimed to explain the situation and factors associated with postpartum hemorrhage in Tao Ngoi district Sakon Nakhon province. The sample group was postpartum mothers, who receive services in Tao Ngoi Hospital Sakon Nakhon province between 1 October 2017 and 30 September 2023, 750 people. Data were collected by postpartum maternal medical record database report form Ministry of Public Health, general data were analyzed by frequency percentage and correlation is Chi square statistics.
The research results found that the rate of postpartum hemorrhage in the year 2017 - 2023 was 13 cases. The highest incidence of postpartum hemorrhage in 2023 was 3.03 percent, followed by 2021, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2018 and 2020. Postpartum hemorrhage of mothers was 2.88 percent 2.26, 1.75, 1.12, 0.85 and 0.79 respectively.
Factors associated with postpartum hemorrhage in Tao Ngoi District Sakon nakhon Province found that factors such as mother's BMI level, number of pregnancies. It is associated with postpartum hemorrhage in Tao Ngoi Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province statistically significant at the .05 (p – value = 0.025, 0.007) . For the congenital disease factors high blood pressure, anemia, depression, history of fetal death or death at birth (1st month), birth weight mother's blood concentration level history of hysterectomy/ curettage / abortion. Complications during childbirth (tearing of the wound, abnormal birth position and placental abnormalities are associated with postpartum hemorrhage in Tao Ngoi Hospital Sakon Nakhon Province statistically significant at the .001 (p – value = 0.001 all factors) from a study of factors associated with postpartum hemorrhage. It is basic information for improving and developing guidelines. Nursing practice for mothers with postpartum hemorrhage from the antenatal period, birth and postpartum period, as well as guidelines for taking care of mothers after giving birth while in the hospital. To reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, including complications that may arise with further effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Thunthawut, P. (2024). Situation and Factors Related to Postpartum Hemorrhage, Tao Ngoi District, Sakon Nakhon Province . Science and Technology to Community, 2(2), 1–16.



Research Articles