Healthy Wine with Antioxidant Activity Production from Coffee Cherry Pulp
Healthy wine, Coffee cherry pulp, Antioxidant activityAbstract
The objective of this research is to produce a healthy wine with antioxidant activity from coffee cherry pulp. The production was conducted at 40 liters within 7 days. Increasing instant yeast inoculum operated with 40 g of yeast in 6 liters of fermented liquor. Coffee cherry pulp was added in the fermentation with a ratio of 1.7% (w/v) included with total soluble solids or sweetness of 20 Brix. The fermentation occurred in aeration with 1 day, then, added to 40 liters of fermented liquor with coffee cherry pulp ratio and the same total soluble solids or sweetness for expansion. The fermentation was conducted in aeration for 1 day and anaerobic condition for 5 days. Study results have shown that healthy wines contain 13% alcohol, 436 ug gallic acid/ml of phenolic compounds, 135 ug ascorbic acid/ml of antioxidant activity by DPPH radical scavenging method, 121 ug ferrous sulphate/ml of antioxidant activity by FRAP method, and 34.53% antioxidant activity, which is good for health. The production cost is only 6 baht per 1 liter of wine.
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