Effect of a Hypotension Prevention Program in Cesarean Section with Spinal Anesthesia in Fang Hospital, Chiang Mai Province
้hypotension, cesarean section, spinal anesthesiaAbstract
This quasi-experimental research aims to examine the hypotension prevention program in a cesarean section with spinal anesthesia. The sample consisted of 60 women undergoing cesarean sections under spinal anesthesia in the operation room at Fang Hospital. The research instruments consisted of the hypotension prevention program, personal data, a treatment information form, and a result of a Hypotension Prevention Program data form. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and a chi-square test was used to compare the rate of hypotension in both groups.
The results showed that the average age of the women undergoing cesarean sections under spinal anesthesia was 27.02 years (SD = 5.64), gestational age was 39 weeks (SD = 0.85). The rate of hypotension in the control group was significantly higher than that of the intervention group (86.67% and 50.00%, respectively; χ2=7.890, p = 0.005). The intervention program can reduce the rate of hypotension in women undergoing cesarean sections under spinal anesthesia. Therefore, the program should be used as a guideline for caring for cesarean section patients and for use with other groups of surgical patients. To further develop service quality.
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