Developing a Guideline to Reduce the Risk of Falls in the Elderly Wanonniwat District Sakon Nakhon Province


  • Chonthida Dangsaard Wanonniwat Hospital, Wanonniwat District, Sakon Nakhon Province



Risk, Falls, Elderly


The research is integrated the objective is to 1) study the factors that are associated with six falling accidents in the elderly and 2) to study the pattern of reducing the risk of falling accidents in the elderly, The sample group is elderly 259 people, and action research to create a pattern to reduce the risk of falling accidents in the elderly Wanonniwas District Sakon Nakhon. The target group is 10 elderly representatives, 5 elderly caregivers, 5 village health volunteers, 1 professional nurse and 1 public health academic. The hands used in the study and data collection consist of questionnaires, interview forms, observations, and discussion groups, data analysis groups by descriptive statistics. Statistics hypothesis testing, chi-squares and content analysis. 
The results of the study show that the operational research process came out as creating symbols for different levels of floor alerts and knocking devices, calling for six times to fall. Assessment of the use of risk mitigation guidelines for falls in the elderly by creating a way to reduce the risk of accidents in six elderly, with the result of a review of the suitability of the anti-spill symbol in the house. There were a total of 18 respondents. The results of the analysis of data on the suitability of the risk mitigation guidelines for falls in the elderly were found to have a level of opinion included at the most appropriate level. The creation of symbols or protective facilities for dropping can help other communities by providing a basic solution that can be done in every household.


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How to Cite

Dangsaard, C. (2024). Developing a Guideline to Reduce the Risk of Falls in the Elderly Wanonniwat District Sakon Nakhon Province. Science and Technology to Community, 2(5), 45–60.



Research Articles