Development of Hospice Care at Home Model, Wanonniwat Hospital, Sakon Nakhon Province
Model development, Terminally ill patients, Patient careAbstract
This is a mixed-method research (Mixed Method) to study the results of the palliative care model for end-of-life patients at Wanonniwat Hospital home, Sakon Nakhon Province. Sample group they were 51 caregivers for palliative care patients at home in the Wanonniwat Hospital area of responsibility. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a Paired t-test.
The results of the study found that the need for a communication channel for patient care from public health officials quickly and not being able to travel to ask for advice from public health officials every time as desired is a problem in patient care according to the criteria. Palliative care for terminally ill patients at home by evaluating satisfaction with the patient care model before and after the trial, the activities were different in every aspect with statistical significance (p-value ≤0.001).
In conclusion, it can be concluded that the model of palliative care for terminally ill patients at Wanonniwat Hospital home was conducted for 3 months, patient caregivers changed their behavior in caring for patients before and after participating in the activity.
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